The Little Endless Storybook

10 December 2004 | Star: 4/5

Category: Books
Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels
Author: Jill Thompson
Siapapun yg sudah mengenal seri Sandman-nya Neil Gaiman, pasti sudah akrab dengan “The Endless”. Jill Thompson, salah seorang illustrator seri Sandman, mengembangkan cerita dan karakter tujuh kakak-beradik The Endless ini dalam sebuah buku terpisah: The Little Endless Storybook.

Di buku ini, para Endless digambarkan masih bocah, dengan gaya Manga. Kisahnya berawal dengan terpisahnya Delirium, si bungsu dari The Endless, dari anjing pengawalnya, Barnabas, yg juga masih seekor ‘puppy’. Berlanjut dengan misi Barnabas mencari Delirium dengan mengunjungi kakak2 Del, satu persatu (Destruction, Destiny, Despair, Desire, Dream dan Death).

Cerita yg sederhana ini cocok dengan gaya ilustrasi Jill, yg dibuat seperti untuk buku cerita anak2 (“Recommended for mature readers” tercantum di cover belakang buku). Dari keseluruhan, yang paling menonjol adalah kualitas garis dan warna yang cemerlang, hidup, dan sangat bermain.

Di satu sisi, gaya yg sangat berbeda, yg ditawarkan buku ini, mungkin disambut dengan sangat baik oleh penggemar seri Sandman yg sekaligus juga penggemar Manga. Di sisi lain, para penggemar Sandman yg kurang suka dengan gaya Manga, mungkin kurang berminat terhadap buku ini.

The Little Endless Storybook
by Jill Thompson
(C) 2001, DC Comics
ISBN# 1-4012-0428-7

The Books of Magic

9 December 2004 | Star: 5/5

Category: Books
Genre: Comics & Graphic Novels
Author: Neil Gaiman
Akhirnya, keluar juga The Books of Magic versi paperback. Gambar pada cover depannya: seorang anak laki2 biasa, berkacamata, sedang bermain skateboard, ditemani seekor burung hantu yg terbang di dekatnya – akan langsung mengingatkan pada tokoh utama sebuah novel yg belakangan ini terkenal lewat film2nya. Benar: Harry Potter.
Tunggu dulu. Harry Potter jilid pertama keluar sekitar th 1998(?), sedangkan seri pertama dari The Books of Magic ini terbit th 1990. Jadi, normal bila ada dugaan keras bahwa penulis Harry Potter pasti telah membaca buku ini.

Anak laki2 di cover The Books of Magic bernama Tim Hunter. Seorang anak laki2 biasa, di usianya yg 12 th, tinggal bersama ayahnya di sebuah kota kecil di Inggris. Ia mempunyai kekuatan magis yg mendarah daging, namun sama sekali tidak mengetahuinya. Hingga.. suatu hari sekelompok pria misterius menghampirinya dan membuka mata Tim untuk melihat kemampuannya. Mereka hendak memberi pilihan pada Tim, apakah ia berniat menggunakan kekuatan magisnya tersebut, atau tidak. Satu persatu, para pria tersebut membawa Tim melalui berbagai perjalanan yg aneh, mencekam, misterius. Melalui berbagai petualangan unik, dunia lain, dan penuh kejutan.

Karya Neil Gaiman yg lagi2 patut memperoleh dua acungan jempol. Tidak kalah juga, ilustrasi dahsyat oleh John Bolton, Scot Hampton, Charles Vess dan Paul Johnson yang menyertainya, turut membentuk jalan cerita. Penulisan teks oleh Todd Klein juga tak dapat diabaikan sebagai penentu kejelasan plot cerita.

The Books of Magic
by Neil Gaiman
(C) 1990, 1991 DC Comics
ISBN# 1-56389-082-8

Wagamama Amsterdam

2 December 2004 | Star: 3/5

Category: Restaurants
Cuisine: Japanese / Sushi
Location: Max Euweplein 10, Amsterdam

(as posted on 25 November 2004 in Jalansutra mailing list, msg #27635)

Karena ada yg menyebut2 Wagamama Amsterdam, saya jadi ingat, pernah mampir ke sana tahun lalu. Untuk yg pertama dan terakhir kalinya. Seorang teman merekomendasikan tempat ini, jadi saya penasaran juga ingin mencoba.

Lokasi Wagamama cukup strategis, terletak di antara Leidseplein dan Max Euweplein, yang selalu dipenuhi orang. Beberapa kali saya lalu-lalang di depan restoran ini tanpa tertarik untuk masuk, karena, pertama, kesannya yg terlalu ‘steril’. Dari luar, etalasenya memang elegan sekali, minim dekor, dengan warna tenang. Kedua, karena saya pernah sekilas membaca review ttg restoran ini di suatu majalah
mingguan (suplemen dari surat kabar De Volkskrant), di mana si penulis tidak terlalu terkesan. Tapi, demi meredam rasa penasaran, sekali2 harus saya coba sendiri.

Tibalah hari itu, saya kebetulan punya waktu untuk mampir. Karena memang bukan jam makan, tempat itu tidak terlihat ramai. Begitu masuk, tak ada sambutan apa2. Saya berjalan melalui bar, langsung saja menghampiri meja2 panjang dan duduk di salah satu bangku. Saya lihat sekeliling, hanya ada sekitar 3 – 4 orang yg sedang makan sendiri-sendiri, masing2 sambil membaca buku, menulis2 sesuatu, atau

Ketika saya sedang menduga2, di mana kiranya daftar menu restoran tersebut, seorang pelayan berkulit hitam menghampiri dan bertanya apakah saya siap memesan. Saya tanya, di mana menunya. Ia bilang, seharusnya saya ambil sendiri begitu masuk tadi, ada setumpuk menu di atas meja bar. Nah, mana saya tahu? Setelah ia ambil satu menu untuk saya, saya baca2 dan pilihan jatuh pada Chicken Ramen dan Ebi Katsu, dengan Chi sebagai minumannya. Si pelayan mencatat pada buku elektroniknya, lalu pergi menuju dapur.

Sambil menunggu, saya lihat ke sekeliling. Ruangan ini berbentuk persegi empat, dipenuhi jajaran meja dan bangku panjang. Di muka dan belakang saya adalah dinding solid; di sisi kanan terdapat dapur yg tidak berdinding penuh, sehingga saya bisa melihat para koki (semuanya berkulit hitam, tak ada koki Jepang) menyiapkan makanan.
Komentar si reviewer di majalah yg saya baca tersebut, bahwa di restoran yg bernuansa Jepang (baik dekor maupun menunya) hampir semua pegawainya berkulit hitam, ternyata memang benar. Di sisi kiri terdapat dinding kaca, yg memperlihatkan ruang terbuka Max Euweplein, di mana terdapat permainan catur raksasa dan monumen air mancur.
Sebagian dari dinding kaca ini adalah pintu, yang dibuka bila hari hangat dan cerah, sehingga pengunjung Wagamama dapat pula menikmati makanan di ruang terbuka.

Teh Jepang pesanan saya adalah yg pertama kali dihidangkan, dalam satu cawan kecil. Tak ada poci teh yg menemani, sehingga hanya sebanyak itu lah jatah minum saya sore itu. Ramen datang berbarengan dengan Katsu.
Udang goreng ini memang enak, tepung pelapisnya renyah dan ‘tasty’ sementara kematangan dan tekstur udangnya pas empuk-kenyal. Saus yg menemaninya, semacam mayonaise, juga gurih dan sangat cocok jadi teman udang ini. Namun porsi tersebut (lima ekor udang) dihargai sekitar 5 Euro (BYKS), yang termasuk sangat mahal.
Ramennya datang dalam mangkuk yg sangat besar – perkiraan saya, volumenya 2x mangkuk bergambar ayam spt punya tukang2 baso kampung. Sendok yg disediakan unik, bukan dari logam namun terbuat dari batok kelapa yg diikatkan ke bambu. Di salah satu sisi di dalam mangkuk terdapat setumpuk sayuran (jamur dan semacam sawi), dan di sisi lain terjajar irisan daging ayam. Kuah ramen ini berasa lembut, cenderung hambar (di meja tersedia kecap Jepang, juga garam dan merica, bagi yg
ingin rasa lebih kuat). Ramennya sendiri juga enak, namun porsinya banyak sekali. Too much of the same thing – hingga rasanya cenderung ‘membosankan’ setelah sekian lahapan sumpit. Daging ayamnya berasa aneh – sayang sudah setahun lebih berlalu, jadi saya tidak bisa mengira2 sekarang, bumbu apa yg dipakai utk memasak ayam itu. Saya juga lupa harga ramen ini, tapi (BYKS) seporsinya berkisar antara 8 – 10 Euro. Juga termasuk sangat mahal.

Selesai makan, saya panggil pelayan untuk langsung membayar dan meninggalkan Wagamama, tanpa berniat kembali lagi. Sebab, selain mahal sekali, makanannya juga berasa biasa2 saja. Mungkin ini juga masalah selera, namun saya tahu sekarang bahwa Wagamama itu bukan untuk saya. Kalau ingin sup, lain kali saya ke De Soepwinkel saja, atau ke kantin HEMA untuk ewrtensoep-nya yg murmer itu.. hehe..

Pengalaman saya hari itu, termasuk ketika makan di Wagamama, terekam di bagian “Photos”: Wagamama Amsterdam.

Wagamama Amsterdam
Max Euweplein 10
1017 MB Amsterdam

No-bake Lemon Cheesecake

1 December 2006

Here’s a recipe for people who are clumsy at baking (and are lack of access to a decent oven), like me. I forgot where I got this recipe from and the cake seems to be different everytime I make it, but it never fails to entertain anyone who tastes it 😀

Suggestions for improvements are welcome!

For the base:
1 pack digestive cookies (I like the volkoren variation)
1 pack butter (250 gr?)
1-2 tablespoons of brown sugar, if wished

For the cake:
grated peel from 1 lemon
juice from 3 lemons
2 tablespoons (vanilla) sugar
6 sheets gelatine (I usually use Dr. Oetker’s), immersed for a few minutes in warm water until tender

4 x 100 gr-pack cream cheese (I usually use Mon Chou), at room temperature
Filling and/or topping, if you wish. I usually add canned mandarine pieces inside the cake and peach pieces for the topping. But if it’s the right season, I like using berries as well.

1. Make the base
– Melt the butter and crush the cookies, while adding the sugar
– Mix the melted butter into the cookie crumbs evenly
– Press the mix at the bottom (and sides) of a dish
– Leave in the fridge to cool for (at least) two hours

2. Make the cake
– Heat the lemon juice and grated peel, adding the sugar and the ‘weakened’ gelatine sheets, mix thoroughly
– Whip the cream cheese in a big bowl
– Add the warm gelatine-juice into the bowl bit by bit, enough only until it forms a thick mass
– Add any filling if you wish. I usually add the mandarine pieces to add texture and taste

3. Complete the whole thing
– Take the cooled base out of the fridge
– Pour the cream cheese mix into the dish
– Arrange any topping, if any, and pour over the leftover gelatine-juice, if there’s some left
– Put the dish back into the fridge and wait until the gelatine is set (I usually leave it overnight)
– Done!

Photo: no-bake cheesecake from – mine is usually messy and doesn’t look this neat, but the texture seems similar.

Fettucine with Courgette Cream Sauce

26 November 2006

Another recipe without exact measurements (you’re free to modify), because I’ve been cooking this by heart since the first time I found the recipe in my mother-in-law’s kitchen pantry.

fettuccine or tagliatelle (other forms of pasta are applicable as well, but these are my favorites for this dish)
1 clove garlic, minced
4 small shallots, finely chopped
2 average sized courgettes (or zucchinis), sliced into blocks
1 pack MonChou Pan & Oven (cream cheese for warm dishes) – perhaps cooking cream is also applicable
1 block chicken stock, diluted in 150 ml water
dash of dried Italian herbs
salt and freshly milled pepper to taste

You will also need a kitchen processor, or – even more practical – a hand processor (staafmixer).

1. Prepare pasta according to the directions at the package

2. Heat oil or butter and glaze the chopped shallots and garlic in a deep pan, then put in the courgette blocks. Stir evenly, put the lid on the pan and leave for about 5 minutes.

3. Pour in the diluted chicken stock and herbs, cook until the courgette becomes tender.

4. Lift the pan from the heat, purée the cooked courgette mix in the pan with a staafmixer until it becomes an even mass.

5. Put the pan back to the heat, then mix in the MonChou and stir until it dissolves evenly into the courgette mass. The sauce should be rather thick. Season with salt and pepper.

6. Serve immediately with the warm pasta. For a more filling meal, serve with grilled chicken fillet.

(Image: from

Krabby Patty

25 November 2006

Category: Sandwiches
Special Consideration: Kids


Here’s an ‘official’ Krabby Patty recipe from
(Thanks, Mand!)

2 tbsp. finely chopped onion
2 tbsp. finely chopped celery
4-6 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 tsp. thyme
1 lb. frozen imitation crabmeat, (defrosted and finely chopped in a food processor)
3/4 cup seasoned bread crumbs
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
2 tbsp. mayonnaise (plus 1 cup for dipping sauce)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
Salt and pepper (to taste)
3 tbsp. ketchup (for dipping sauce)

Step 1 – Sauté the onions and celery in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add the thyme, lower the heat, and cook until the onions are translucent.

Step 2 – In a large bowl combine the crabmeat, sautéed onions and celery, bread crumbs, Dijon mustard, mayonnaise, egg, salt and pepper to taste. Stir to combine.

Step 3 – Shape into rounds by using a small ice cream scoop, then gently pat flat.

Step 4 – Heat 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large skillet. Working in batches (2 to 3 crab cakes at a time) place the crab cakes in a skillet and cook until golden brown, about 2 minutes per side. You may need to add more oil for the second and third batches.

Step 5 – Preheat the oven to 400°F. Transfer the crab cakes to the baking pan and bake for 10 minutes. The crab cakes can be kept in a warm oven for approximately 30 minutes, or they may be reheated at serving time. Serve with a kid-friendly dipping sauce. Mix 1 cup of mayonnaise with 3 tablespoons of ketchup.

Not-So-Fishy Krabby Patty

25 November 2006

Category: Sandwiches
Special Consideration: Kids
Servings: 6


The other day, Dhanu made a request for dinner, “I wanna eat Krabby Patty!” (or Krabburger, in Dutch version). That’s what you get from watching too much SpongeBob Squarepants. Anyway, I thought I’d just make a normal cheese (beef)burger. But then a friend sent us a *real* Krabby Patty recipe (I’ll post that later), which, to my surprise, is made of crab meat instead of beef (*duh*). And the next day, while doing a Google search, I found this one. I’m keeping the recipe here for later use.

2 x 170 g (6oz) cod or coley fillets, fresh or defrosted, skinned and finely cubed
340 g (12oz) potatoes, cooked and mashed
4 spring onions, finely chopped
2 x 5ml (2 teaspoons) fresh chopped parsley
flour, for dusting
115 g (4oz) garlic and herb soft cheese or Cheddar cheese
1 egg, beaten
115 g (4oz) breadcrumbs
2 x 15 ml spoon (2 tablespoons) sunflower oil

1. In a large bowl mix the fish, potatoes, onions and parsley together.
2. Divide the mixture into 12 portions. Dust hands well with flour and shape the portions into rounds and then flatten into a burger shape.
3. Place a spoonful of cheese in the middle of 6 of the burgers, top with another burger, shape and mould both burgers to form one burger.
4. Coat the fish burgers in the egg and breadcrumb mixture.
5. Cook under a moderate heat for 15-20 minutes, turning once, basting lightly with the oil.
6. Garnish and serve with pita bread or buns. SpongeBob likes his Krabby Patties with peanut butter, but sounds yucky to me.

Recipe and photo source:

Stuffed Paprika

21 November 2006

Category: Meat & Seafood
Servings: 2


A recipe from Keurslager (a chain butcher shop in The Netherlands) that has been a success ever since I made it for the first time. Easy, quick and – most importantly – loved by my kids. If served with (white) rice; pour and mix a bit from the cooking juice into the rice for a thorough taste. Fresh green salad is also a good companion.

2 big paprika (1 red and 1 yellow)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
250 g minced beef
75 g feta cheese
1/2 pack of minced meat spice*
salt and freshly milled pepper
8 slices bacon

*) I usually use the readily-mixed one from Silvo, which is made of nutmeg, curry, paprika powder, coriander seed, cayenne pepper, etc.

Oven dish

1. Halve the paprika in length and remove the seeds and their threads. Smear the outer side of the paprika with oil. Smear a flat oven dish, that fits all the halved paprika, with oil. Warm the oven up to 200 Centigrade.

2. Put together in a bowl: the minced beef with crumbled feta, the spice and some salt and pepper in a bowl and mix well. Distribute the minced meat into the halved paprika and put them in the oven dish. Lay 2 slices of bacon on top of each stuffed paprika.

3. Set the dish for 30 minutes in the preheated oven and cover with a layer of aluminum foil when the bacon is colored too fast. Serve warm with mashed potatoes, french fries, rice, pasta or bread. Salad is a perfect side dish.

I don’t have a real oven, so what I do is usually cook the whole dish (without the bacon strips) in microwave, to make sure the center part of the minced meat is also well-cooked. Then I put the dish, this time topped with bacon strips, under my old oven grill to get the crunchiness out of the bacon.

Creamy Broccoli Soup with Tomatoes

16 November 2006

Category: Soups & Stews
Servings: 4


Another recipe from the newest AllerHande that I keep for cold rainy days.

3 tablespoon oil
2 onions, finely sliced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 pack broccoli rosettes (300 g)
200 g potatoes, in cubes
3 tablespoon crème fraîche
1 liter vegetable stock (from instant stock block)
2 tomatoes
1 spring onion, sliced in rings
50 g hazelnuts, crushed
4 slices of thick bread (self sliced)

kitchen processor or staafmixer (hand mixer/processor?)

– Heat half of the oil and let the onion and garlic turn golden brown in a soup pan.
– Stir in the broccoli and the potato cubes, cook for 1 minute.
– Pour in the créme fraïche and the stock, leave until boiled.
– Put the lid on the pan and let the soup cook in average heat for 15-20 minutes.
– Slice the tomatoes in small blocks (let the liquid and seeds cook in the soup, to give extra flavour).
– Purée the soup with the staafmixer or food processor and season with salt and pepper.
– Spread the tomatoes, spring onion and hazelnuts in the soup. Distribute the soup into four plates and serve with self-sliced bread.

Orange Cake

16 November 2006

I saw the recipe today in the new AllerHande (a free magazine from Albert Heijn supermarket) and was tempted to try it out one day. When I have a proper oven 😀 In the meantime, I’m giving a chance for people with better baking skills, experience and facilities to try this recipe first *winking at Chica*

p.s. The recipe is freely translated from Dutch. Please forgive my mistakes – especially on baking terms (corrections are welcome!)

2 oranges, cleanly scrubbed
200 g flour, sieved
50 g cacao
200 g cold butter, in blocks
200 g white sugar
6 eggs
1 lemon

food processor, plastic foil, baking paper, cake form (diameter about 24 cm), filling (i.e. dried pods)

– Grate finely the skin (peel) of 1 orange.
– Mix in the food processor: flour, cacao and grated orange peel with 125 gr butter, 100 gr sugar and 1 egg until becoming a (sticky) dough. Pack in the plastic foil and leave in the fridge for 30 minutes.
– Heat the oven for 200 ºC.
– Roll out the dough with flour
– Cover the greased cake form with the dough. Spread baking paper over the dough and pour over the filling (to prevent the base of the cake from raising).
– Bake the cake base until lightbrown for 25 minutes.
– Squeeze out 1 orange and the lemon.
– Slice the grated orange into six pieces, halve and throw away the peel and seeds.
– Melt the rest of the butter in a pan.
– Whip in the food processor: 5 eggs and the citrus juice with 100 gr sugar and 1 knifepoint salt until frothy. Pour in the melted butter while the machine is turning.
– Take the cake form out of the oven, toss away the filling and baking paper. Pour the egg mix in the cake form and arrange the orange pieces over the mix.
– Bake the cake for 25-30 minutes until done.